Saturday, December 18, 2004

sad realizations

The year is closing to an end... and I just couldn't help getting all emotional about it... I just wasted another year of my life. I did nothing in this year that I should be proud of. All I did was to make all the wrong decisions and deal with its endless consequences. Honestly speaking, I'm tired of taking the same bull* everyday... for a year! But I've no one else to blame but me (and that's the saddest part of all!) I know, this may seem like another one of my bitter entries, but it's really the only way I could get by. Or else, I'd go crazy. Besides, it's not like I forced you to read this, right? But anyway, I hope the year ahead will be much better than this one. I'm gonna wipe the slate clean and start all over again. Try to straighten up my crooked life. Wish it was that easy to do.

I don't really know what came over me this year, maybe it's because I'm finally living in the real world, and I was quite unprepared to face it. (Or should I say very much unprepared?) When I got my first job, nobody warned me about the people I'll be dealing with. I was like walking blindly into a world I have absolutely no knowledge of. As expected, I did one wrong move after another, until it became too much for me to handle and I eventually lost control. Work was fine really, it was great even, it was the people I work with that bugged me (or should I just say person?). Taking advantage of my utter ignorance. And it was during this time that I wish I was still a kid, that I wish I never grew up. That I wish Neverland existed. That I wish I was only dreaming. That I... well, you get the point...

Aside from that, I ventured into something that I am really not sure I wanted to be in in the first place... and it has a high price tag, so high that even if I'm earning a little more than usual, I am still paying for it until now.

Moreover, I wasn't able to spend enough time with my dad while he was here. I was always going home really late, and I used up practically all the seemingly valid excuses I can think of. Would you believe I was the only one who was scolded by him the whole time he was here? Unbelievable me.

Then, until now, I have not saved anything from my salary. Everything is used up everytime I get it. It practically slips off my palm as soon as I get it. It only took me a couple of days (or less) to spend something I worked for for two weeks.

There's more, but I don't think I want to show the world how stupid I am. All I'll say is if only I get a penny for every mistake I did, I'd probably be richer than Bill Gates by now.