Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm back!!!

deep thinking

I'm back! I took a much-needed week-long vacation last week and I decided to go to.... Baguio! Woohoo! The last time I was there was November last year and we were'nt able to do much cause we only stayed for around 2 days plus the place where we stayed at is a bit far from the city. This time, I stayed there with my mom for almost 4 days (from Tuesday to Friday) and I can say that only now did I realize how lovely Baguio city can be. I wished I had studied there instead. I even felt like I wanted to stay there forever!

The day we left Manila, it was raining hard... and the whole duration of the trip, it was raining. All towns and cities we've passed by are drenched. When we got to Baguio, it looks like it was just about to rain but I really did not mind cause I sooo looove it when it rains! When we woke up the next day, it was still raining hard but no amount of rain stopped us from going to the streets. I even took a 'cold' shower before going out (I was actually turning pale when I stepped out of the shower because of the cold). I loved how the city looked after the rain... with the fog, shiny (and slippery) streets and all. Then, the day after that, the sun began to shine so it's such a blessing that I got to see the city both when it was wet and when it was dry!

So, what did I do for almost 4 days up there? Basically, all I did was walk.. and shop! Shop for my cousins, my sister, my brother, our househelpers, my friends and of course, myself! In just three days, my ATM account is almost empty (except for P93, I think). Good thing we paid in advance for the place we stayed in, coz if not, I don't think we'll be able to pay for it. I really had a hard time controlling myself coz I kept telling myself that it's not everyday that I get to shop at Baguio! I was able to buy more than 15 pieces of clothing (sweaters, jackets, pants, shirts, tank tops) plus a pair of sandals for myself. I each bought a jacket for my brother, my three cousins, some of my friends and two househelpers. I also bought a bag for my sister. Aside from that, I bought a whole lot of goodies (around 9 jars of assorted stuff) and that 'sundot-kulangot' thing (that I really enjoy eating..haha). Oh yeah, my mom and I were also able to watch a movie at SM Baguio and yes, the theater is the only part of the mall with A/C but it's actually colder outside. I didn't like the movie much but its the only option since my mom doesn't wanna watch neither War of the Worlds nor Fantastic Four. When it comes to taking pictures, well, we only got solo shots of each other since there are only two of us, so after I take my mom's pictures, she takes mine! But overall, it was a terrific vacation. I had such a wonderful time and I truly enjoyed every moment I spent there... and I don't mind doing it all over again soon! Hahaha..

Sigh. The day I went back to Manila, I can almost feel all my troubles rushing back and threatening to wipe away the happy smile that has been on my face for four days. I almost feel like I did not want to go back when we were greeted by a bunch of rallyists successfully making the Friday traffic even worse. That's it, I'm officially back to a place of chaos. Plus it's like a thousand degrees here! Haha! Just kidding. Well, at least, I still have a little of Baguio on the pictures I took with my cellphone... and of course, a lot of it on the clothes I will be wearing for the next few days! Hahahah..