Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Who I Want to Meet

Who I Want to Meet:

>An angel who comforts me, takes care of me and makes sacrifices to be with me.
>A protector who will keep me safe from any harm.
>A gallant knight who will fight for me.
>A prince charming who makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful princess he ever saw.
>Someone who can understand me when I get complicated, moody and crazy, all at the same time.
>Someone who loves, respects and accepts EVERYTHING about me.
>Someone who truly knows how to love unconditionally and unselfishly.
>Someone who lets me know his innermost feelings and have always been so honest about everything.
>Someone loyal and wants to be with only me and no one else.
>Someone who knows how to say "no" to temptation, a.k.a. other girls.
>Someone who never makes a promise he couldn't keep.
>Someone heaven-sent who will stand by me, no matter what happens.
>Someone who'd probably be one in a million.
>Someone who is worth spending my life with.
>All of these rolled into one, a someone, I may have already met...