Sunday, November 28, 2004

i don't think they're even human

It's a fact, jerkasses are everywhere (A cross between jerks and a*holes)... you have to deal with them everyday whether you like it or not... and it's difficult to understand why they always have to wreck what could have been a beautiful, more meaningful and rather peaceful life... somehow, they always find a way to get into your system and stay there like a virus without an easy cure... I know by this time, I should be a pro in telling one apart for I've been dealing with them for so long (too long, if you ask me) but these past few days, I have a feeling my instincts are starting to betray me... Now, I became a victim once again. I fell into the deepest darkest pit that I've ever been to, and I don't think I could ever get out so easily without doing great damage to myself. I must have been such an easy prey. I just can't believe how their consciences can take it... best explanation to that is that they do not have a conscience at all... They are without a care on how you feel... They treat you special for one moment and then treat you like trash the next minute... They eat you up and spit you out (Hmmm.. I think I got this from a song)... All this I know, and I still can't seem to stop myself from falling for one... it's hopeless I tell you...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Alexander is Great

I watched "Alexander" with a friend at G4 last night. The movie was good, except it's a bit difficult to understand.. especially when you detest your Social Science class (like I do) and if you have so gotten used to watching movies with subtitles (like I have). It was a bit controversial though, since gay relationships are so openly displayed (not that I have anything against it). But it's cool. Also, they only showed bits and pieces of the battle, it seems that they focused too much on politics. But it's still good, coz I got to see what I wanted (hahaha.. go figure!). Before you watch it though, I suggest you brush up on your World History so you won't be clueless. Luckily, my friend knows a bit about it, so he sort of clued me in on what's happening. The movie's kinda long, so if you have work the next day... don't watch the last full show (like I did).

Friday, November 12, 2004


I am the type of person who cannot live without music. Everywhere I go, music must be around... or else... I'd sing.. hahahah. Seriously! The moment I step into the bathroom, I become a diva and sing on the top of my lungs. Surprisingly enough, I have never lost my voice ever in my life, even if I scream for hours. What can I say, It's a gift! Maybe it's God's way of saying that my voice should be heard. Hahaha.

Anyway, I can't help but notice how OPM is starting to boom nowadays. These past few days, my favorite songs are Kitchie Nadal's "Wag na Wag Mong Sasabihin", Session Road's "Suntok sa Buwan" and Sponge Cola's "Lunes" and their version of Madonna's "Crazy for You". Well, that last song wasn't all that good, but it seems strange to hear it being sung by a guy (considering its a bit girlie and all). I also like Rivermaya's "Liwanag sa Dilim". It's been a while since I've had a playlist and download queues full of OPM songs. It's just nice to hear that OPM is doing great... hopefully they won't be discouraged by all the piracy that's happening. So, guys, don't buy OPM pirated cds.. just buy international artists' pirated cds.. okay?! Heheheh.. just kidding!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Lyrics: I Can't Make You Love Me

by Bonnie Raitt

Turn down the lights;
Turn down the bed.
Turn down these voices
Inside my head.

Lay down with me;
Tell me no lies.
Just hold me close;
Don't patronize.
Don't patronize me.

'Cuz I can't make you love me
If you don't.
You can't make your heart feel
Something it won't.
Here in the dark
In these final hours,
I will lay down my heart
And I'll feel the power;
But you won't.
No, you won't.
'Cuz I can't make you love me
If you don't.

I'll close my eyes,
Then I won't see
The love you don't feel
When you're holding me.

Morning will come,
And I'll do what's right;
Just give me till then
To give up this fight.

And I will give up this fight.