Thursday, November 25, 2004

Alexander is Great

I watched "Alexander" with a friend at G4 last night. The movie was good, except it's a bit difficult to understand.. especially when you detest your Social Science class (like I do) and if you have so gotten used to watching movies with subtitles (like I have). It was a bit controversial though, since gay relationships are so openly displayed (not that I have anything against it). But it's cool. Also, they only showed bits and pieces of the battle, it seems that they focused too much on politics. But it's still good, coz I got to see what I wanted (hahaha.. go figure!). Before you watch it though, I suggest you brush up on your World History so you won't be clueless. Luckily, my friend knows a bit about it, so he sort of clued me in on what's happening. The movie's kinda long, so if you have work the next day... don't watch the last full show (like I did).

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