Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Bubu!

It's Daniel's birthday today! His 28th on the 27th... Time flies by real fast... before we even know it, we're celebrating his birthday. And in a few days, his 6th month...

I was supposed to schedule a mass for him, but was unable to do so. Time constraints. Most of the masses on weekdays are scheduled in the evening so it automatically means we won't be able to attend because we'll all be asleep around that time. But we all offered our prayers to him, that's for sure. Most of us will probably offer the Sunday mass to him.

Anyway, my mom and I bought him flowers yesterday. I chose white roses this time. I don't know, I just feel like giving him a bunch of white roses. I had to carry it from the office to the MRT station (where the guards are curiously eyeing what I'm carrying around on an ultra big plastic bag) and I couldn't tote it around with stretched arms or it will touch the ground, so I have to slightly bend my elbows which put strain on my underdeveloped biceps. I was worried that by the time I get there, it will look parched or even dead. But thankfully, it was still alive and breathing when I got to his place.

It was such a bad time for my cellphone to run out of battery... so I just emailed Yannie as soon as I left the office. I fetched her at her workplace (the guy at the frontdesk referred to me as "the girl with the big plastic bag") and then we picked up his framed jersey at her place. We got a little stuck in traffic on our way there and we made it barely in time to meet his family who's just about to leave. I think it was the first time I saw more than one visiting person there, because I usually go alone or sometimes, with a friend. Ate Danette, Deck, Tito Dan, Ate Kim, Kuya Zasam and Tonito were there. It was nice to see them all over again. It sort of made me feel like he's still around. Just there... just around... watching us...

And he did sort of let us know he's just around...

You see, Cj gave him a stick of cig as a birthday gift. It was untouched when we left. But then a few minutes after we left, Faye (Daniel's cousin) arrived. When she got there, the cig was not lit. Then it started to drizzle so she went for cover. When she got back, surprisingly enough, the cig was already burnt halfway. Her account was that it was not that near the candle nor the flame for it to burn. Weird! If it was really him who did that, I'm gonna scold him... for still trying to smoke! Hahaha! Just kidding! Well, I told him I'll even give him a bottle of beer...
if he asks for it...

We all super duper miss him... I know I do. Everytime there's any work-related celebration, any event or just about any occasion... I always imagine what it would be like if he was still here. I still enjoy talking about him. It sort of keeps the memories alive. I just wish he would visit me in my dreams more often, everyday if possible (demanding?! Hehehe). Because I think it's the only way I can REALLY get by. I thought I could actually get over him but I realized I was wrong to think that way. Six months is still too soon. It seems like I'll just have to live with it... and accept the fact that I'll never get over him for real. So, whoever I'm gonna be with in the future also has to accept that fact. It just can't be taken away. It's already part of who I am...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

THE Battle

I was on leave for almost a week, trying to finish up my paper work... and I got zero productivity. Why? I gave in to all sorts of diversions. For one (which is the most frequent) I played DotA... which is a really really cool game. (The other night, my friend and I were playing until 4am!) I'm not that good with it (yet)... but it's fun nonetheless.

Then, just this weekend, my sister asked if we want to spend the night at Tagaytay. So we did! We got there in no time at all. We left at 430pm... got there at 530, just in time to hear mass. Then, we ate at Yellow Cab Pizza, then went to the nearest Starbucks for a doze of coffee. We stayed at my sister's boyfriend's family's house at Royal Pines West. It was a nice house, because it has cable TV! It may not seem so, but it was a lot of fun to go there. I enjoyed it a lot. Somehow, I felt relaxed and de-stressed... all set for another week of work... NOT! Heheheh..

Anyway, we left there at noon the next day, Sunday... Boxing day! I am not a REAL fan of boxing, but somehow I find it interesting and I've been watching some of the big and most-talked-about games before (like that game where Tyson bit Holyfield in the ear? Classic!). Before I have always watched at home... Never did I know how fun it was to watch it someplace else until today. You see, when we were in Tagaytay, we decided to have lunch here in Manila. I didn't want to miss "The Battle" between Manny Pacquiao and Erik Morales, so I watched on my sis' pocket TV while we were on the road. We got to Manila in an hour (or less) and the game was only on round 2. I suggested we eat at NSG (National Sports Grill) because I know for sure they're gonna have a TV there and I know some of my officemates are planning to watch the game there. When we got to Greenbelt 3, the driver's lounge is packed with twenty people or more, all glued to the TV watching the game. And as expected, NSG is full to the brim. No seats left. A whole bunch of people are already standing outside (they had placed two TV sets outside). All the people there are cheering and shouting as if they're actually in Las Vegas where Pacquiao can hear them. It's like the whole mall stopped when the game was on. You can hardly find people strolling around. All TV sets on every restaurant that has one are on Channel 2 (where the game is being aired). Even the crew people are attentively watching tv. We stood around a bit and watched on the widescreen TV at NSG. Then I decided to text my officemates to let them know I'm around. CJ replied and told me they're at Fish Co. (almost beside NSG). Since we got no seats at NSG, we decided to eat at Fish Co. instead (I demanded a seat in front of a TV of course!). And man, was it worth it! The game was soooo ultra exciting! The crowd was very reactive... applauding on every hard blow Pacquiao gives Morales. Although I already heard the result minutes before it ended from some blabbermouth who passed by (such a killjoy), it was still exciting to see how Morales fell to his knees on the 10th round. I actually got goosebumps when I saw it happen. Everybody shouted and stood from their seats when the referee signaled that the game was over and Pacquiao won the match! My mom and sister (who previously weren't paying attention or were not even enthusiastic in the beginning) were cheering as well. The crowd was overwhelming! It was so much fun! So noisy! So festive! Like it was New Year all over again! Pacquiao rules! He's sooo great! I am so happy he won and I so want to see him when he gets here! I'm telling you, I'm gonna take part in giving him a hero's welcome he truly deserves.... hehehehe. And I promise I will not miss that upcoming match with Antonio Barrera! ;P

Monday, January 09, 2006

New Year...

but not necessarily a happy one...

I'm not having a good vibes for this new year... it's only been a week since new year started and I've already messed it up for the rest of the year. Typical of me to do that.

So I decided I gotta do something about this before it's all too late and I destroy the rest of my life. I actually came up with a plan which I hope will work and I am sooooo hoping that this is the right thing to do... (I feel like it is but since it seems that everything I do these days is wrong, I can't say anymore if it is or not... confused? so am I). And to make sure that I won't mess up this time, I'm not gonna say what my plan is until I have actually done it. I'm pretty sure it would work... It should somehow get my life back on track... I haven't really finalized it yet but I will, really soon, because I don't have that much time left. I'm actually pretty excited about it, I just hope that everything works according to plan. And this begins later tonight... no time to waste. We'll see what happens... Baffled? Heheh... Isn't suspense fun? Don't worry... you'll know.

I had a haircut by the way... it's got nothing to do with the plan... but... I had a haircut... ;P

Friday, January 06, 2006

Year-Ender and Year-Starter post

Christmas.. and now New Year... next, Valentine's day... now I'm starting to post occasionally...

I would have really wanted to sum up the year with a really long year-ender post... recounting the events that happened, lessons learned, people met, people lost, etc. And then write another really long year-starter post... about hope for tomorrow, new years resolution, plans, dreams, wishes, etc.... but my enthusiasm to write sort of vanished... so I'll just roll them up in one really short post.

It wasn't really much of a good year... That's it! Year-ender post, summed up in one sentence!

And as for my Year-starter post... given the fact that it wasn't really much of a good year... and so why in the world would I think that this year would be any different?!?!?

It doesn't make any sense... I know... so if you could just please refer back to the title of this blog for a bit of enlightenment... thank you. And Happy New Year to you too...

P.S. soon as I find my inner peace (so there's an outer peace?!) ... I'll write better I promise (read: no more corny jokes).