Wednesday, December 27, 2006

No Explanations

Who would have thought that someone really close to you could betray you for something so trivial and then cause such negative effect in your life... and that person couldn't have chosen a more perfect time to do it. A few days before Christmas is just about right. That person thinks her actions won't hurt anyone, but what she didn't know was that it had a ripple effect. People that that person don't even know personally has already been gravely affected... of course, mine sustained most of the damage.

Consequently, it pushed me into a corner... and so I have no other choice but to sacrifice the things that I've held on to for so long. I guess its the only way to shut them all out. I came to a point where I've let other people take control of me. I've basically been bound and gagged. Now, I want to be free. I'm just tired of it all and I wanna be left alone for once in my life. To be away from disapproving stares, hushed whispers and judgmental thinking that I know I don't deserve. And finally, to stop being the cause of such drama.

But enough of that crap, I won't explain anything to anyone for two reasons. My true friends won't need it and the rest won't believe it anyway. So if I say it's not true, I don't need to explain it nor do I need to convince you to believe it. Take it or leave it. The conversation begins and ends there. Choose your side.

After this storm, I will have learned to live by these words: "It doesnt matter what other people think or say... you don't live to please them... what matters is, you've made the most of what you have, you had fun, you learned from what you've done and you've lived thru it all despite the gossips and intrigues. That's being real... just live a life fearless of other people's shadow..."

Confused? So am I. But like I said, I don't owe anyone explanations... I'm just letting the demons out before the new year comes...

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