Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Prelude to Ron's Birthday a.k.a. Team-Building chuva

To change the mood of this sorry blog... why don't we move on to happier thoughts. Last Saturday night, Team Morales decided to spend the night partying at Toot's Manor. Quite timely for me, since I needed a boost of endorphins. That chemical that's responsible for the emotion of happiness. Also, I suggested that we drink 'Chocolate Mudshaker', since chocololate contains phenylethylamine and anandamide. Phenylethylamine works with dopamine in the brain to produce a mild antidepressant effect and anandamide alters brain chemistry to produce feelings of well being and calm. So, scientifically speaking, that night of partying is beneficial for my health. I know, I researched on it. Hahaha.

It was fun really. We started at around 8pm and ended at almost 5am (it was just like doing 9 hours of work). There were no KJ's around so we all had a good time (I know I did). We had a little singing contest. Ron sponsored the prize money and we all tried to vie for the highest score. At the end of the night, Cherry was the one who went home with a fat wallet. I guess its customary for us to leave something broken at Toot's house, the most recent casualty was his 'antique' dining chair c/o Mr. Bactad. Pol and I also managed to loosen some screws on his door. So, many thanks to Mr. Anthony Hernandez for letting us trash his place once again. Here are some snapshots of the event:

in the beginning

We obviously looked starved... and thirsty!

at toots manor

Find Anton on this picture.

contestant number 1

Jeefer sings while Brij contemplates on his performance.

tough competitor

Hmmm.. TOUGH competitor.

the man of the house

Here's the man of the house singing while watching over his son who's going down the stairs.

the sup

The sup on his usual self.

singing the unchained melody

Pol.. with fan.

the songer

The side of Jim that not everybody gets to see (or hear for that matter).

my happy moments

My happy moment. Blame it all on the glassful of chocolate mudshaker on my hand.

endorphin-producing mudshaker

Here's the endorphin-producing chocolate mudshaker I've been raving about!!!



last shot

Before Sunrise...

and that's just a prelude...

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