Saturday, December 29, 2007

Love Underneath

my heart jumped when you said that you love me
my soul was at ease when you said that you cared
my mind was totally at peace, when you held my hand
but still something behind me tells something's bad
it's been a long time since i heard the song of my heart
a very long time since i know i'm in love
but this is the first time I repel to admit
that something inside me can never be perceived
i want to say, "hey i love you too!"
but i find it so hard to say it to you
i don't know what's in me, to hurt myself
or even cause you pain, though i know it's you
well i guess i can't make my broken heart
to accept love when it's still torn apart,
so i guess, i have to say sorry
this love's ain't meant to be

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