Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year Kick Off

The year that passed was so great that it sort of scares me that this year might not live up to expectations. But last Christmas, that outlook changed. The year just got more interesting. Why? We booked a flight to Hongkong! Yay! The year is starting out right and we're all super excited! I hope everything goes well. It's gonna be a great year after all! It might even surpass the last!

Anyway, we all do not know what the new year holds for us. No tarot card or fortune-teller can really tell us what is ahead. Following superstitions won't even make everything a tad easier for us. I just think it's hypocritical (and crazy) to follow superstitions and believe in tarot card reading and then say we believe in God too. It's not true when they say you won't lose anything if you try. You will, you lose your trust and faith in God's plan for you. So what I do now is pray and ask that He guides us in our everyday life and try to do things according to His mighty plan. Easier said than done, I know, but He will let us reap the benefits someday.

So, what do I plan to do on this fab new year ahead? Mostly, I think I'm going to save up for the big thing. What big thing? Well, I can't say yet. It can be anything really. Hehehe.

With that said, my biggest new year resolution will be... to minimize, if not eliminate, splurging and impulse buying (save for the HK trip. heheh). Then, I would also need to get healthy and slimmer. I'm not getting younger everyday, so I think it's about time for me to develop a healthy regimen like eat healthy food, go swimming, go biking or whatever. Going to a gym is not a must to be healthy (it makes my bank account lose more weight faster than my body). I just need to find a good exercise that I can do regularly. I would want to bike and run everyday... just not in a polluted place like here. It will do me more bad than good.

Last but not the least, I want to focus on having a deeper relationship with God. And in effect, have a deeper relationship with my loved ones. I want to know Him (and them) better and know how I can be a blessing to others.

And I believe that these will make this year an even better one than the last... we'll know on my next year-ender!


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