Saturday, December 27, 2008

Year Ender 2008

WOW! That's the word to describe the year that passed. This has been the most wonderful year of my life since I was born (that I might as well be reborn!). This whole year has indeed been a very fruitful year. Almost every month, I was on an out-of-town trip (not counting Tagaytay, coz we're really there every month). Most of them were places I have never been to my whole life. I remember just a few years back, I've been complaining how I never got to watch a concert, never been on a plane, never been on a ship, never seen the beach, never left the island. I felt like I was living under a rock or something. Now, look how far I've come! I've been to Luzon, Visayas AND Mindanao! I've watched a bunch of concerts and I've been on almost every mode of transportation there is (Almost!). All these in just one year. WOW!

This year, I have been to (in no particular order): Puerto Galera, Singapore,






Cagayan De Oro, Camiguin, Davao City

And this year, I've attended the following concerts: United, Passion Conference, Sonicflood, Rihanna & Chris Brown

But you know what's the most wonderful thing that happened to me this year? I found love! The sweetest kind there is! I guess it's true what they say, how you finish depends on how you start. I started the year right and look how great it ended. I honestly do not remember when was the last time I felt this happy. It's just so great to be with someone who's God-fearing, understanding, supportive, talented, smart, loving, caring and sweet (what more can one ask for?!). I am with him almost everyday of the week, but we still manage to miss each other. I am his and he is mine, and we let the whole world know that.

I can say I am in a relationship that's like no other. What makes it special? It's actually not a what but a WHO. A third party. Yes, we have a third party who we make the Center of our relationship. Yes, and it is necessary for us to have Him because He makes everything right. Yup, God is the third party in our relationship and He is the one who keeps us together. Whenever we have a conflict or misunderstanding, we run to Him. And as expected, He makes everything alright.

I removed my friendster account this year, and I felt it was one of the best things I ever did. You see, I came across one of my brother's books: Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear by Max Lucado (which I have yet to finish), and it inspired me to drop the unnecessary baggage I had and start traveling light. I've left almost everything (and everyone) behind that I almost felt like I started on a clean slate. As it turns out, it was all I needed to do in order to live a happy and peaceful life. I guess it's important to determine what is unnecessary and try to eliminate them so that we do not waste any of our time and effort on it. That way, we get to focus on the more important aspects in life. They say: The more the merrier. I say: Quality over quantity. It makes life simpler, easier and happier.

This year leaves me nothing to ask for. All I can say when I pray to Him... is THANK YOU for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me this year. Thank you for the unending love and amazing grace.

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