Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's All About You... Again

You made this all about you again, as usual... Every time, it's all about the "i", not much about the "we", how much more the "you". 

We argued about something I found out about, again. Instead of me feeling guilty about snooping, it just ended up encouraging me to look for more, expect for more. It's not exactly the best thing to waste time and energy on, but I end up doing it 24 by 7. I get suspicious about every little thing and I honestly don't think relationships are supposed to be like that. It just feels so heavy and dark. It's not supposed to be this hard. It's not supposed to drain you out mentally, physically and emotionally. I honestly got nothing left for me. Nothing to support myself with. Nothing.

And you think with what happened, the best thing to do is to walk away. You did something wrong, and you said sorry and walked away like a guilty dog. You said you just need to be alone. You don't think you deserve me anymore. You are going crazy. You can't sleep. You need time to think. You need to miss me. You, you, YOU. It's just all about you, isn't it? You're right, you are selfish and you just keep proving that to yourself. Please don't tell me you're giving me the time I need, because to be honest, you only thought about that when you realized your sudden need to be alone. So you're not really giving me what I need, you're just really doing what you want to do for yourself.

I can't keep doing this anymore. I got nothing more to give. Let's just admit the fact that this thing just doesn't work for us. It never did and never will. Let's just stop forcing it, do ourselves a favor and move on. Let's stop saying things we don't really mean. Let's stop lying to each other's faces. Let's stop hiding things from each other. Let's stop being convenient. Let's just... STOP.

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