Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Does Such a Certain "Someone" Exist?

Last night, I watched "A Walk To Remember" at Wowow channel and it was really a great movie. Even though I have already seen it (and even read the book), I still get goosebumps while watching my favorite scenes (particularly the one where Landon was crying while hugging his father and the one where he proposed to Jamie). It was my very kind of movie (in other words, sappy?). It's like I could watch it over and over again and still feel like I'm watching it for the first time. Still enthusiastic and attentive all throughout the movie. After watching it.. it was 12am then.. it suddenly got me into thinking.. Would I rather lose the love of my life because of death (meaning I'd lose him forever) or to someone else? If you really look at it, it's almost the same. But after a lot of tossing and turning on my bed, I decided that I would rather lose him because of death, coz at least all i would think about are the great memories we've had and that is all. The pain of losing him would be alleviated by how much we loved each other while he lived. Unlike when I lose him to someone else... when that happens.. I think I'd rather die.. than live with the pain forever.. thinking how happy he is with somebody else. I mean.. OOOOUUUUCCCCHHHHH! It's like lifetime torture! But what could I do if that happens? (that is, if it hasn't happened already) I mean, I won't actually kill myself for that.. I might be crazy, but not THAT crazy. I guess, there's nothing else to do.. but bear that cross for the rest of your life (that's what you get for loving too much!) OR maybe, there would come a time wherein someone would just simply take all those pains away and bring you the happiness you have been looking for.. but then you start to wonder.. does such a certain "SOMEONE" exist? or is it just like Santa Claus who just keeps your hopes up..

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


there will really be days when your creative juices just won't flow, and i guess this is one of those days. So many times have i wanted to write, yet when i am about to type it down, all those thoughts go *poof*. i really have to get used to the thought of others being able to read what has been on my mind lately. I have been so used to just writing for my own good.

well then, i woke up today with my body aching. I don't know if it's just because of my sleeping position or because my bed is just not "body-friendly", but either way, i could not do anything about it but bear the pain and then rant about it here.

i have been waiting for the rain to fall since last week, but all i get is the wind. I WANT RAIN! i just like the atmosphere when it rains. i like the way everything looks, i like the sound of the falling rain, everything looks so dramatic, plus it's so nice to sleep when it's raining.

all weekend, all i did was play NFS Underground, now that i've finished all the races. i am left with nothing to do. i guess i could start another game. or i could continue playing with my SIMS who are on the brink of stardom. or i could start my thesis. Nope, i suppose i will be playing another round of NFS Underground instead. hahahah. im obviously avoiding something... i can run, but i know i can't hide..

Friday, June 25, 2004

constant headaches

im going to complain once again about the headaches i have been having ever since i got myself hooked on blog (or on the tedious process of designing it). Technology really does not always makes life easy, i can attest to that. i can't imagine how i got this tired.. by just sitting in front of the computer. my body is aching, my eyes are tired, my ears are ringing... i just hope i don't break down just before this computer does.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

blog blog blog blog

The thought of editing this blog did not let me sleep last night. Now, it's giving me headaches. It's all I can think and talk about! One of my unique traits is that when I started something I really wanted to do, I won't stop until I'm satisfied with it. I just hate the feeling of frustration. I spend countless hours on the net, learning all about CSS, HTML, Photoshop, web design, and all the crap I could not care less about before. I hope all of these will be worth it in the end.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Smallville Rocks!

I have just finished watching a marathon of Smallville season three episodes.. and the finale gave SOOO many questions for the next season to answer. I almost got a headache just thinkin about it. But that's a good way to end the season, leaving the viewers in suspense. DYING in suspense! (I know, coz I am!) hahahah..

It's about time for Yahoo mail to be upgraded! They now have a whooping 100 mb storage! Yey! Deleting messages from my inbox is definitely not my cup of tea. My e-mail is always 100% full! but now it's down to only 4%, i mean, how amazing is that?!

I would have loved to tell my friends about my being part of the blogging community, however, I'm too ashamed of the way my site looks so I'd be telling them about this as soon as I got it the way I like it (which could take a long time really).

I don't know why, but right now I have an obsession for floral skirts. It's like I won't stop until I have at least two of them (coz I already got one and it doesn't seem to be enough for me). Shopaholic? I hope not.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll just be back when I've more nonsense to say.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Seriously now..

First ever blog that I will try my best to keep updated.. I just hope I don't run out of internet credits. Hahah. Anyway, I think I'll just get back when I've more sensical things to say. Ü