Tuesday, June 29, 2004


there will really be days when your creative juices just won't flow, and i guess this is one of those days. So many times have i wanted to write, yet when i am about to type it down, all those thoughts go *poof*. i really have to get used to the thought of others being able to read what has been on my mind lately. I have been so used to just writing for my own good.

well then, i woke up today with my body aching. I don't know if it's just because of my sleeping position or because my bed is just not "body-friendly", but either way, i could not do anything about it but bear the pain and then rant about it here.

i have been waiting for the rain to fall since last week, but all i get is the wind. I WANT RAIN! i just like the atmosphere when it rains. i like the way everything looks, i like the sound of the falling rain, everything looks so dramatic, plus it's so nice to sleep when it's raining.

all weekend, all i did was play NFS Underground, now that i've finished all the races. i am left with nothing to do. i guess i could start another game. or i could continue playing with my SIMS who are on the brink of stardom. or i could start my thesis. Nope, i suppose i will be playing another round of NFS Underground instead. hahahah. im obviously avoiding something... i can run, but i know i can't hide..

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