Thursday, June 17, 2004

Smallville Rocks!

I have just finished watching a marathon of Smallville season three episodes.. and the finale gave SOOO many questions for the next season to answer. I almost got a headache just thinkin about it. But that's a good way to end the season, leaving the viewers in suspense. DYING in suspense! (I know, coz I am!) hahahah..

It's about time for Yahoo mail to be upgraded! They now have a whooping 100 mb storage! Yey! Deleting messages from my inbox is definitely not my cup of tea. My e-mail is always 100% full! but now it's down to only 4%, i mean, how amazing is that?!

I would have loved to tell my friends about my being part of the blogging community, however, I'm too ashamed of the way my site looks so I'd be telling them about this as soon as I got it the way I like it (which could take a long time really).

I don't know why, but right now I have an obsession for floral skirts. It's like I won't stop until I have at least two of them (coz I already got one and it doesn't seem to be enough for me). Shopaholic? I hope not.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll just be back when I've more nonsense to say.

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