Tuesday, September 21, 2004

yet another first day

I finally found out why my scripts aren't working right. I'm trying to use multiple scripts and so they are conflicting with each other, so I have to do some rewriting. But no time for that now... because I began my work at PeopleSupport today! T'was quite interesting, although I haven't found a person I could really jive well with yet. Maybe because some people decided to put their masks on, you know, for added impact in making good impressions. We're all 62 in the batch (batch139 to be exact). I couldn't really tell if there were more men than women, but if you count gay people as women, I guess you could say we outnumbered the men. There was this one gay guy I wanted to befriend because he seemed really fun to be with, unfortunately we won't be assigned to the same account, so goodbye potential friend. There was also this very annoying girl, who's so talkative because she's bragging about her having an accent and all. Even when nobody's asking her opinion, she'd give hers anyway. She seems to have a comment on everything! Even on the smell of the free clear book included in the kit. Yeah, we were given a kit which includes a steno, a highlighter, a clear book, a pen and a pencil (I felt like a happy kindergarten with new school supplies). I've yet to learn more stuff about this thing I've put myself into. So far, they're painting a really good picture of it... it's actually too good, that I'm anticipating a catch. I've yet to find out.

Friday, September 17, 2004

phase one

well, this is phase one of my blog make-over. Still not much, but it's a work in progress. I can't make the tagboard fit into the box, so I would have to edit it again to make the box bigger. And I can't make the scroll thing work with the archives section. My fave shoes looked ugly in the picture. So please bear with me while I try to learn. For the meantime, I have to go again because I'm using PLDTvibe postpaid internet and my mom's gonna kill me when she finds out I spent 3 hours (and counting) tonight.

a quickie... post

just a quick post. I am trying to make a new layout, using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and a few scripts here and there. I just can't put them all together. It's so frustrating. But, challenging, as well. And I'm not gonna give up until I got it all together.

Anyway, latest news is: I'm employed! Actually, I'm just about to start training on Monday. I got accepted at PeopleSupport, and I'm really excited to finally earn my own money (because I'm all finished with planning how to spend them). More about that on my next post, I gotta get some sleep now.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

totally swoon worthy

I know it may sound a little unpatriotic of me, but for the first time in my life, I actually wished I was Mexican (or at least, in Mexico). There is someone there that is really addictive that he should be illegal... Who, you ask? GAEL GARCIA BERNAL. I am totally swooning head over heels obsessing over him! To the point that even when I close my eyes, I see him! You probably would know him if you have watched art films like Alfonso Cuaron's Y Tu Mama Tambien, El Crimen Del Padre Amaro and Amores Perros. There's just no way that you could have watched those films without turning into a Gael-freak. Sigh. Just mentioning his name makes me warm all over (Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point). I better read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, reportedly, it's his favorite. Most of the sites about him are in Spanish. Good thing I took up Spanish lessons in college (6 or 9 units? I can't really remember). He speaks Spanish, English, Italian and French! He likes football, good thing I took up football too! So when we eventually meet, we'd have loads of stuff to talk about! The catch is he's only 5'6" tall, but I don't really care. He and Natalie Portman were a couple, but rumors had it that they have already split up. I even heard that it's because it's my turn now. So, move over Natalie!

Monday, September 06, 2004

the weekend that was

For the first time in history, I tried driving without a license. Both of my passengers don't have one either. My driving skills have got seriously and awfully rusty, that is if I still HAVE any left. Well, an L300 van is really not the easiest thing to navigate so the sucky driving is excusable. The important thing is I did not run over any living thing or collide with any non-living thing (read: expensive cars) and we got to our destination and back home in one piece.

So what happened over the weekend? Well, I finally got myself those Von Dutch shirts I have been wanting to buy for soooo long. So I bought two! My cousin bought two ASS well (it's not typo, it's just a private joke we share). Plus I've got a new cellphone. Actually, it's not new because my sister is handing it down to me. Her 6600 just arrived yesterday and she promised me she'd lend me her T610. So after spending two years with my trusty but phased out 6210, I finally got an MMS phone! But I'd still be keeping my 6210 (all original parts!). It has a lot of sentimental value... and really good quotes I saved on the phone memory!

The other night, I had a very vivid dream about my eternal crush for the Nth time. I can't really explain why, but the plot is always the same ever since, the setting is the only thing that changes each time I dream of him. In the beginning of my dream, he is with me and it almost seems like he's mine. I mean, we could almost pass as a couple. totally cloud nine! However, before the dream ends, one friend of mine always gets in the way and screws every thing up. She always manages to take him away from me (in Filipino: make sulot), thus leaving me ultimately dejected. Not really the happy ending I've always hoped for. But what the heck, we had our moment. The fact of the matter is, it did sort of happen in real life... and I did feel dejected. I really should get used to it, because it happens not only in real life but also in my dreams!

Anyway, over dinner tonight, I have decided to take up accounting as a second degree. My mom said it's okay and my dad actually joked about it (his way of recommendation, I hope). Maybe at UP Diliman or at UST. I'm planning to apply for work and then try to balance it with school, and then eventually pay my own tuition fee. For the meantime, these are all just plans. But I really want to go back to school. Plus it does sound like quite a challenge. We'll see if I'm up for it. I'll give it a little more thought.