Tuesday, September 21, 2004

yet another first day

I finally found out why my scripts aren't working right. I'm trying to use multiple scripts and so they are conflicting with each other, so I have to do some rewriting. But no time for that now... because I began my work at PeopleSupport today! T'was quite interesting, although I haven't found a person I could really jive well with yet. Maybe because some people decided to put their masks on, you know, for added impact in making good impressions. We're all 62 in the batch (batch139 to be exact). I couldn't really tell if there were more men than women, but if you count gay people as women, I guess you could say we outnumbered the men. There was this one gay guy I wanted to befriend because he seemed really fun to be with, unfortunately we won't be assigned to the same account, so goodbye potential friend. There was also this very annoying girl, who's so talkative because she's bragging about her having an accent and all. Even when nobody's asking her opinion, she'd give hers anyway. She seems to have a comment on everything! Even on the smell of the free clear book included in the kit. Yeah, we were given a kit which includes a steno, a highlighter, a clear book, a pen and a pencil (I felt like a happy kindergarten with new school supplies). I've yet to learn more stuff about this thing I've put myself into. So far, they're painting a really good picture of it... it's actually too good, that I'm anticipating a catch. I've yet to find out.

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