Sunday, October 03, 2004

somewhere in the middle

Can you believe that The Body Shop is having a sale?! If that's not good news, I don't know what is! Finally, I got to buy the stuff I have been ogling on everytime I visit. I just wish the sale would last until I get my very first paycheck...

Training is almost over, one more week of exams and I'm off to the real thing. So far, my stay at PS has been one of the most interesting things that ever happened in my life. I can't believe that a lot of things could happen in a span of two weeks. It's like I was taken on a wild ride wherein everything happens in lightning speed and I just couldn't quite catch up. Really crazy, but cool. It's all so freakin' new to me, and I wasn't prepared at all. It's a whole new different culture. Shocking at times, but definitely interesting. I like it. Am I making any sense at all? Doesn't matter, I'm just as lost as you are.

Forgive the sucky post, I'm currently somewhere in the middle of something that I just couldn't quite explain. I'm all messed up right now, I couldn't think straight. I am completely lost. For the meantime, let the suspense kill you. (As if you care?! hahaha..)

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