Wednesday, October 06, 2004

health is wealth?!

My work requires me to stay all day in front of the computer until I get blind. I enjoy it (but I don't know for how long), but right now, my right eye is twitching involuntarily and it annoys me. Whether it's due to lack of sleep or to my daylong staring contest with the computer, I don't know. I'm really a very sickly person. Judging from my physical exam results, I conclude that I am, indeed, "full of sickness". Check this out...

1. I am a little underweight. (107lbs.)
2. My hemoglobin count is a little low (READ:kinda anemic).
3. I have scoliosis (not that serious but it affects my posture).
4. I have a small cyst on each of my you-know-what. Whether it's benign or what, I am yet to find out.
5. I am a little claustrophobic and I hyperventilate when I'm in an overcrowded place.

If being afraid of needles (to the point of going pale) counts, well, that would be six in total. If health is wealth, then I might be one of the poorest people on earth! I just hope that that really IS all of it. And I hope none of them becomes really serious. I don't think I'm ready to die yet, but I guess I really have to prepare from now on. We'll never know!

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