Friday, September 01, 2006

Bad Hair Day

Don't you just hate a really bad haircut? I got possessed last Sunday and decided to change my 'do' all of a sudden. I think the stylist was possessed as well because she turned my hair into a wig in no time. It was totally hideous, I can't even bare to see my reflection in the mirror. It totally looked like a wig, especially when I'm fresh out of bed. I looked like a lion with a seriously unmanageable mane.

I was so desperate to get it fixed, right the next day I went to a salon at the mall. Right then and there, they basically rejected my hair and refused to do anything to it. I gave it another try the next day, and I got nothing. Unbelievable. That's how bad it is.

So by Wednesday, I was already so frustrated and desperate to have my hair fixed, I was willing to pay loads of money to get it done. I asked around six different salons for a quotation and they all gave me a four-digit sum except for one. I was a bit skeptic on that one salon. My hair got to its present condition because I refused to spend a huge amount on it. So I decided to go with the lowest four-digit sum that was offered to me. The salon's name is a bit reassuring too, First Aid Salon. My hair seriously needs all the first aid it can get. So after more than four grueling hours, having two stylists work on my hair and spending a whole lot of money... my hair got better. True to their name, they were able to bring it back to life! I just hope it will last long enough for me to think that it was money well-spent...

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