Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Saved Customer

Got a call today from Globe, it was regarding my request to cancel the service with them. As I have expected, they offered me something special to keep me as their customer and they got me with their "this is something we don't usually offer on the Hub" spiel.

But it's true! I got a plan which is lower than my G-Flex 800 bill plan. On Globe's Hub, G-Flex 800 was the lowest plan for G-Flex Subscriptions. What you can usually get for lower than P800 is their G-Text Plan for P500 which is fixed with 500 texts and 20 minutes free call. But I was offered the P500 all-consumable plan with 150 free texts. So it's just like I'm loading 500 bucks a month on my phone. I can still use Unlimitxt, according to the guy, and I'm not tied to any term commitment so I can try it for a month or so and then cancel it if I don't like it. It sounded like a great deal so I accepted the offer.

So turns out I'm still keeping my number. Now what am I gonna do with my old active prepaid SIM? Hmmm... what can one person do with an anonymous number... **cue evil laugh** >=P

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