Saturday, April 28, 2007

I so love Multiply...

...totally love it that from now on, most of my posts will be made there instead of here.

Of course I would still be posting here, this site sort of has sentimental value to me. This is the first blog that I ever had in my entire life! Although, the stuff that I'll be posting here from now on will only discuss general topics about my life, such as the movies I watch, lyrics of songs I listen to, new stuff I download from the net, most recent purchases, what I did for the day or week or month, what I will do the next day or week or month, usual stuff that any stranger can know. Stuff that won't incriminate me in any way. Stuff that you tell people you just met or people who know nothing about me. Stuff that the public can know. Mostly boring stuff.

All other things such as biased/unbiased opinions, random thoughts, incoherent ramblings, confessions, accusations, sentiments, revelations, rants & raves about love, life, people, person, situation, whatever stuff that only my friends can know... will be posted on Multiply and most probably, shared only to either my network or my contacts. That's what I love about Multiply, you can post almost anything and everything without actually losing much of your privacy. You can actually choose who will be able to view what you posted, could be Everyone, Your Network or Your Contacts or to certain Individuals. That way, I can monitor the people who will view my stuff and let my friends know interesting stuff about my life (if there's any!) while filtering out those people who'd be happier not knowing... Now ain't that just perfect?!

So if you have a Multiply site, you can add me as a contact by going to so you can view those incriminating stuff I'm telling you about. Of course, your request to be added would still be subject to my approval.

My birthday post for 2007 will be there... ;P

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