Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Saying Goodbye...

to my old trusty cellphone was not as easy as I thought it would be... Yep, I already got the Pink Moto Razr V3 that I wanted... and it's giving me mixed emotions.

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled with my new phone, quite happy that I finally got something out of my own pocket. However, I can't help but go emotional about leaving my T610. Once I change the SIM card on that phone, all data will be deleted almost like it has been reset (that's the major flaw of the T610). But even if all the data gets lost, it's sentimental value will never decrease. I will definitely won't put it up for sale... even for a thousand... no, make that a million dollars (hehehe. like someone's going to pay THAT much for a worn out phone!). I've had that phone for more than two years I think... and I can say it has seen better days. It witnessed everything I went through for the last two years or so. And in my life, the last two years was the most difficult of all. It became my confidant of some sort. I cannot think of any important event wherein it has not been a part of. I owe my life to this phone. I almost didn't want to leave it. Daniel's last call to me is still listed on its call list... But then my phone seemed to have been corrupted and everytime I try to access some of his MMS messages, the phone will restart (Good thing I had a habit of sending them to my email soon as I receive 'em). It randomly deletes my whole inbox as well. So one by one, little by little, it's showing me signs of retirement. It's giving me more reasons to get a new phone... and that's what I did.

Monday morning, I was like possessed. I told myself, by the end of the day, I have to have that phone. So I went to ParkSquare and scout for one... only two stores had it. So I had them compete until I got a reasonable price... and then I used my new credit card... so for the next few months, no shopping sprees for me... bummer.. but I got a new kewl phone anyway. That should be worth it. ;P

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