Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day...

is totally over rated. It's really nothing but a clever marketing strategy, a season they invented so that there'll be reason to buy an expensive gift for a special someone. Marketing strategy to make people mindlessly spend lots of money... a day before it's even payday. Prices for flowers and chocolates skyrocket to more than twice its regular price at this time of the year and people still buy them. Flower shops, Candy shops, Specialty shops are flocked with people. All because it's valentine's day. Bahumbug!

Sorry for my antagonistic point of view of Valentine's day. The last time I really had a valentine was more than four years ago i think. And don't think that I'm just saying this because I'm sourgraping... because I'm sooo not! I mean, why give a gift on Valentine's day... when you can do so any other day?! And what exactly is the idea of giving flowers (or even stuffed toys) to someone when you can give something more useful, like.. say.. a nice cute shirt or a pair of shoes or a pretty dress. Why does it have to be flowers?! Why does everyone have to buy flowers on Valentine's day? And so now what's left on the stand are the dying bunch... and I can't even afford to buy them for Bubu. What use will they have for flowers?! They have absolutely no use for it! And I bet they're even embarassed to carry them around. One guy I saw was carrying the bouquet behind his back (probably doesn't know how to carry it without losing his manliness). The girl who rode the FX I was riding even covered her face of embarassment when the driver complimented the pink roses she was carrying. She jokingly responded with "kakabili ko lang nyan, para sa sarili ko...". Hahaha. Everybody is like giving a taunting smile to those people who are carrying flowers... like it's a big joke or something. It's like at the back of their minds, they're either saying: "Awww, how nice!" or "Pffft, How original!".

Well, I don't know... I'm just too practical I guess (or just mad that I can't buy flowers). Anything that came from the heart and/or worked by the hands are much more appreciated, than wasting money on dust collectors such as stuffed toys, flowers, balloons and stuff. I don't know, maybe just the thought of having someone I can really keep would be enough for me. Just spending time with that someone would be more than enough. I will show how much I appreciate him not only on Valentine's day, but always. Sigh. Okay, enough mush before I break into a rash... Don't worry, I'm not really anti-Valentine's day... I wouldn't be sending out those V-day text messages if I was! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! ;P

Quotable Quote:
Love grows by giving, the love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away. - elbert hubbard

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