Monday, June 19, 2006


Here I am again trying to fight off yet another urge to buy something expensive. I'm trying to talk myself out of it, but it seems that I would need some back up. You see, I just got this urge to buy a Sony PSP because it's 0% interest for 12 months. It would be sooo ultra kewl to have it. However, I found out that emulators won't work with the new version anymore... so that would mean I gotta buy the original stuff that costs no less than 2 grand each. Not to mention I'd have to buy a memory stick with a large storage space that costs at least 4 grand. So basically, it would cost me no less than 16 grand to have the PSP and actually enjoy it...

If you got an opinion on this, this would be the best time to let me know. I can't put my foot down yet. I can't arrive at a firm decision. In other words, I'm in dire need of your help!

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