Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hoping for Spring to Come

I'm starting to think that I really am meant to be alone... every friendship I build with people, especially deeper ones, always tend to be taken away from me. Intentionally or not, it doesn't really matter. How I wish I have the power to control time. If I could, I would have turned it back and just repeat a certain point of my life over and over again until I die.

I guess it all started when I lost one special person due to an unfortunate incident. Probably he was my lucky charm of some sort, because after that, I just started losing people who have ever been close to my heart, one after the other. Just for the past two months, I feel like I have lost almost everyone I have valued. Some don't really intend to leave, it's just that they have to take on a different path. Opting for greener pastures as they say. Some I lost as a consequence to a certain slip in judgment and some due to unfavorable circumstances. And I'm not even including the people I lost through time. Sigh....

I feel like my friends are falling out in the same manner that the leaves fall off the trees during autumn. I guess, like the trees, I just have to keep myself alive... long enough to get me through winter... and still have enough strength to be able to see the first sign of spring...

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