Friday, July 28, 2006

Memorable Quote from Grey's Anatomy

Speaking of quotes, this was mentioned on the second season episode entitled "Damage Case". So far, this is my all-time favorite line from my ultra favorite TV series, Grey's Anatomy. It made me love the show even more...

Meredith: I never should have told you about George.
Derek: No, its fine, I'm glad I know about him, and the vet. You really get around.
Meredith: What did you just say to me?
Derek: It's unforgivable.
Meredith: I don't remember ever asking you to forgive me.
Derek: So was the knitting a phase? Who's next? Alex? 'Cause I hear he likes to sleep around. You two have that in common.
Meredith (she grabs him as he turns to walk off): You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared, because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore.
Derek: This thing with us is finished. It's over.
Meredith: Finally.
Derek: Yeah, it's done.
Meredith: It is done.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Quotable Quotes

I just wanted to share these wonderful quotes I got through text from my equally wonderful friends... These truly touched my heart in so many ways because they are so true and so full of sense... I love 'em

Nine Hardest Times of Your Life
1. Being questioned when you yourself don't understand.
2. Pretending to be innocent of what you know about.
3. Trying to forget something you never will.
4. Admitting you were wrong after you have been so insistent that you were right.
5. Debating with yourself.
6. Accepting the fact that some things are not meant to be.
7. Trying to understand when you just can't.
8. Realizing that you have been tricked after you have given your whole trust.
9. Parting and letting go of someone you've loved all your life.

*Never welcome something you cannot entertain... Never open your doors if you mean to close your heart... Never accept love if you can't give yourself in return... Never start a relationship you know you want to end... Two of the shortest words in the English language are "Yes" and "No", and yet they are often the ones that require the most thought before they are said. Some thoughts are better left unsaid, some feelings are better left kept to yourself, but love has a way of expressing itself despite the silence.

*What if you waited for your special someone your whole life and later on learn that no one is really waiting for you? True love is worth taking chances for... Sometimes you don't know why things work out. They just do - The Lake House

*No man will ever claim you unless he claims you from me. For I reserved a man for you who has my heart and loves Me even more than he will for you. For I won't give you unless he asks you from Me. He's asleep; Don't wake him. He's busy for me, my Kingdom. Soon you will know him, but I have the perfect time. You're my princess, my daughter. Let no prince claim you unless he asks you from My hand for I am your Father, the King of Kings. You, my princess is worth loving... - God

*The Hebrew talmud says: Be very careful if you make a woman cry because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on. Noe from his head to be superior of, but from the side to be equal with. Under the arm to be protected for and next to the heart to be loved.

*There's a kind of pain that can numb you. There's a type of freedom that can tie you down. Sometimes the unexpained can define you and sometimes silence is the only sound.

*The important thing is not to be bitter over life's difficulties. Learn to let go of the past and recognize that everyday won't be sunny and when you find yourself lost in darkness and despair, remember - it's only in the black of the night that you can see the stars, and those starts will lead you back home. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble, to fall... because most of the time, the great rewards come from things that scared you most.

*We don't look for love because it sucks to be alone watching moves, because it's sad to eat meals alone, because it's nice to cuddle up with someone on rainy days... We look for love because we want to be forgiven; for the sloppy way we dress, for the clumsy way we eat our meals, for bad hair days and for the palinness of ourselves... Love is an act of forgiveness that for all our imperfections, we are accepted and forgiven.

*Sometimes we are in love in the idea of falling in love. Loving the illusion of having or missing someone. It's alright to feel happy through other people, but don't get dependent on achieving happiness by being with someone. Love yourself first before sharing your life with somebody because if you don't, you will always look for people that you think can make you complete and in the end, it will make you lose yourself more... bit by bit... piece by piece...

*When you love, never stick only to what your heart feels.. remember that sometimes, using your brain is a necessity... Next, never use your eyes to cry for the person who hurt you. Instead, use it to search for the right one... Lastly, don't be scared to break up... Keeping a relationship without love is just a waste of time. Take note, love the one who will fight for you and bravely face each and every consequence... Someone whom you can call "mine" rather than "ideal"...

Friday, July 21, 2006

I miss...

- the times when you helped me figure out words in Text Twist...
- the time when you fetched me from work at 3 in the morning even though you're a bit tipsy just to make sure I get home safe...
- the time when I got really drunk and you didn't really care if I smelled like vomit...
- the time when I sang you our song to make you sleep...
- the time when I caught you watching me sleep and then denied it...
- the time when I watched you sleep... and then you start to snore after 5 seconds...
- the time when you tried to call me just so I can hear our song being played...
- the time we listened to Nina's album in the car...
- the time you took a picture of me while I was asleep...
- the time I took your picture while you were asleep...
- the times when we talked on the phone until the wee hours of the morning...
- the times when we used to play badminton together...
- the times we spent watching chick flicks that you admit you like...
- the times we took the bus home together...
- the times when you do a flashback... and tell me all about it...
- the times we took turns in spending hours calling each other on the cellphone... only to realize we both have landlines...
- the time when we had a serious talk...
- the look in your eyes when you get serious...
- the first time(s) we kissed...
- the way you smile...
- the way you laugh...
- the way you drive...
- the way you hold my hand...
- the way you hold my hand while you drive...
- the way you text me almost every other minute of the day that my phone's battery gets drained everyday...
- the way you text me, send me MMS and call me all in a span of one-hour...
- the way you buy me hash browns because you know its my favorite...
- the way you crack jokes almost effortlessly...
- the way you make me cry and smile in one day...
- the way you drink until you turn pink, then red and then start speaking incoherent english...
- the way you say sorry for something you did wrong...
- the way we accuse each other of being too busy to text or reply...
- the way we accuse each other of being too busy to email or reply when we are just a few seats apart...
- the way you read my blog and make all sorts of senseless comments on it...
- the way you forced me to drink medicine to relieve my pain...
- the way you go through my cellphone...
- the way we kiss when we meet each other or say goodbye...
- the way we kiss...
- the way you hold me tight when we hug...
- the way you cared for me...
- the way you made me love you inspite and despite of everything...
- and most especially, you... so much... for almost a year now...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

I agree with what I read on another comment, it was visually stunning. What with all that special effects, I felt like I was in Rialto or on a roller coaster ride or something...

I was not able to watch the first few minutes of the film because I'm in a 'one-time screening only' theater (if that's what you call it) so I have no idea what and how much did I miss. I think I was not able to grasp the full story because of that, thus affecting my full appreciation of the film. But anyway, for the parts that I was able to watch, it's suffice to say that I was somehow satisfied. As expected, Jack Sparrow was very charming. Hands down to Johnny Depp for giving an exquisite performance. The rest, well.. they're ok I guess. I still can't seem to see Orlando Bloom as any other way but Legolas. You could say I watched 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy too many times.

The movie is a bit too long in my opinion... and then you'll find out in the end that it's not finished... and then I just found out I missed something after the credits. I also don't think that the story was well organized (I admit there I got sorta lost and confused). All the action was great, but storywise... it could still be better. Hopefully the next installment ('At World's End') would reclaim its past glory.

Grey's Anatomy (TV Series)

Thanks to Pat, I got addicted to this TV Series... I am really not much of a medical person. Trips to the hospital always end up with me getting nauseous, particularly at the slightest sight of blood... or even just dextrose. But by watching this series, I feel like somehow I'm starting to get over that phobia albeit everything on the show is fake.

Anyway, whether you're practicing medicine or not, you'll definitely find a way to appreciate this show. They describe it as a "quirky drama" that is quite endearing. I love everyone in the cast, but Sandra Oh is my personal favorite. I found myself laughing and crying all in one episode. So you can say it practically drove me crazy. One thing I also love about this show is the soundtrack... I love every song they played!

You will sometimes find yourself hearing medical jargons, however it really does not impede the plot of the story (although, I would love it if I could understand them.) They say that the show is not that realistic. That it's medically inaccurate and it does not portray what really happens in a hospital, but then again, people won't really patronize it much if it's THAT real. Part of the reason we watch TV series is to divert our attention from the real world. So if you want something real, you can either tune in to Discovery Channel or turn off the TV...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Free at Long Last...

My teeth finally got free of their metallic orthodontic braces. After more than three long years of unimaginable torture! Goodbye braces, hello retainers...

At first it feels a bit weird and I feel like my teeth are a whole lot bigger than they were before... but of course I'm just over-reacting (am I not?). Well, anyway, I can't stop rubbing my teeth because they feel so smooth... and big. I'm still adjusting to the new sensation. I still find myself talking as if I got braces... my 's' is still a bit slurred... and so is my 'c', I can't pronounce words ending in 'th' right and my 'r' is a bit "coniotic". So now I think I got a minor speech problem. But I guess it will go away when I get my retainers. My dentist actually offered me fixed retainers, which will not be visible by others because they will be glued to the back of my teeth and I won't have to worry about accidentally throwing it away. But I still went for the basic removable ones because I decided not to be his guinea pig. Also, I don't want anything on my teeth anymore when I eat. My tongue is tired of clearing my teeth of morsels while I'm eating. Plus, I might actually bite that retainer off my teeth so then I would need to go back everytime that happens. So there. I don't want fixed retainers period.

Anyway, I thought that the idea of having braces is so you can have a better smile to show to the world... but in fact, I'm actually trying to avoid smiling and if I do smile, I do it with mouth closed. My teeth looks so freakingly big. I almost felt like I want to have them metals back... but I know I can't wear them forever. Eventually, I have to get rid of them and move on. My teeth have to move on. There's still so much my teeth need to experience... a proper oral prophylaxis, composite fillings, root canals, porcelain jackets, bleaching, other dental treatments...

I'll be posting pictures of my non-metallic grin so you can see for yourselves... Pictures taken on Patrick's birthday c/o his camera... nice noh? heheheh.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Superman Returns!

I may not have a clear recollection of how he vanished... but I'm glad to know he's back...

Honestly, I haven't really understood a Superman movie before. I say 'Understood' because I may have watched them but I didn't really get what the story was all about... considering I was only a few years old at that time. All I can really recall is that group in black who got trapped in a mirror. I seriously got scared of them that I remember them haunting me in my childhood dreams. So you can say I do not really have an extensive knowledge of him, given that my interest in Superman's life only began when I got hooked watching 'Smallville'.

Anyway, the movie is good and effective if the creators' aim is to establish a start of a sequel. There's not much action, not much fight scenes, not much of anything if you ask me. Just trying to build a story line. I think Smallville season finales are even better compared to it. But hey, most pilot episodes are like that... they may seem boring but they are important. The movie was fun, but there are a lot of trivial stuff that would really bug you and get to your head... like how come Lois Lane didn't incur any injury when she got hit in the head with a seemingly very thick and heavy vault door, like how come nobody noticed that Clark Kent got back at the same time Superman returned, and why was there no humongous tidal wave when that big an earthquake hit the city... I don't know.

Moving on, the casting for Superman is quite good. I could really see Brandon Routh as Superman/Clark Kent. Sticking to the original score is a good decision, it sort of brought nostalgia to the viewers. It was not all that bad really. In my humble opinion, this one is still worth the watch... you won't want to miss such an important revelation...