Friday, July 21, 2006

I miss...

- the times when you helped me figure out words in Text Twist...
- the time when you fetched me from work at 3 in the morning even though you're a bit tipsy just to make sure I get home safe...
- the time when I got really drunk and you didn't really care if I smelled like vomit...
- the time when I sang you our song to make you sleep...
- the time when I caught you watching me sleep and then denied it...
- the time when I watched you sleep... and then you start to snore after 5 seconds...
- the time when you tried to call me just so I can hear our song being played...
- the time we listened to Nina's album in the car...
- the time you took a picture of me while I was asleep...
- the time I took your picture while you were asleep...
- the times when we talked on the phone until the wee hours of the morning...
- the times when we used to play badminton together...
- the times we spent watching chick flicks that you admit you like...
- the times we took the bus home together...
- the times when you do a flashback... and tell me all about it...
- the times we took turns in spending hours calling each other on the cellphone... only to realize we both have landlines...
- the time when we had a serious talk...
- the look in your eyes when you get serious...
- the first time(s) we kissed...
- the way you smile...
- the way you laugh...
- the way you drive...
- the way you hold my hand...
- the way you hold my hand while you drive...
- the way you text me almost every other minute of the day that my phone's battery gets drained everyday...
- the way you text me, send me MMS and call me all in a span of one-hour...
- the way you buy me hash browns because you know its my favorite...
- the way you crack jokes almost effortlessly...
- the way you make me cry and smile in one day...
- the way you drink until you turn pink, then red and then start speaking incoherent english...
- the way you say sorry for something you did wrong...
- the way we accuse each other of being too busy to text or reply...
- the way we accuse each other of being too busy to email or reply when we are just a few seats apart...
- the way you read my blog and make all sorts of senseless comments on it...
- the way you forced me to drink medicine to relieve my pain...
- the way you go through my cellphone...
- the way we kiss when we meet each other or say goodbye...
- the way we kiss...
- the way you hold me tight when we hug...
- the way you cared for me...
- the way you made me love you inspite and despite of everything...
- and most especially, you... so much... for almost a year now...

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