Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Superman Returns!

I may not have a clear recollection of how he vanished... but I'm glad to know he's back...

Honestly, I haven't really understood a Superman movie before. I say 'Understood' because I may have watched them but I didn't really get what the story was all about... considering I was only a few years old at that time. All I can really recall is that group in black who got trapped in a mirror. I seriously got scared of them that I remember them haunting me in my childhood dreams. So you can say I do not really have an extensive knowledge of him, given that my interest in Superman's life only began when I got hooked watching 'Smallville'.

Anyway, the movie is good and effective if the creators' aim is to establish a start of a sequel. There's not much action, not much fight scenes, not much of anything if you ask me. Just trying to build a story line. I think Smallville season finales are even better compared to it. But hey, most pilot episodes are like that... they may seem boring but they are important. The movie was fun, but there are a lot of trivial stuff that would really bug you and get to your head... like how come Lois Lane didn't incur any injury when she got hit in the head with a seemingly very thick and heavy vault door, like how come nobody noticed that Clark Kent got back at the same time Superman returned, and why was there no humongous tidal wave when that big an earthquake hit the city... I don't know.

Moving on, the casting for Superman is quite good. I could really see Brandon Routh as Superman/Clark Kent. Sticking to the original score is a good decision, it sort of brought nostalgia to the viewers. It was not all that bad really. In my humble opinion, this one is still worth the watch... you won't want to miss such an important revelation...

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