Saturday, July 08, 2006

Free at Long Last...

My teeth finally got free of their metallic orthodontic braces. After more than three long years of unimaginable torture! Goodbye braces, hello retainers...

At first it feels a bit weird and I feel like my teeth are a whole lot bigger than they were before... but of course I'm just over-reacting (am I not?). Well, anyway, I can't stop rubbing my teeth because they feel so smooth... and big. I'm still adjusting to the new sensation. I still find myself talking as if I got braces... my 's' is still a bit slurred... and so is my 'c', I can't pronounce words ending in 'th' right and my 'r' is a bit "coniotic". So now I think I got a minor speech problem. But I guess it will go away when I get my retainers. My dentist actually offered me fixed retainers, which will not be visible by others because they will be glued to the back of my teeth and I won't have to worry about accidentally throwing it away. But I still went for the basic removable ones because I decided not to be his guinea pig. Also, I don't want anything on my teeth anymore when I eat. My tongue is tired of clearing my teeth of morsels while I'm eating. Plus, I might actually bite that retainer off my teeth so then I would need to go back everytime that happens. So there. I don't want fixed retainers period.

Anyway, I thought that the idea of having braces is so you can have a better smile to show to the world... but in fact, I'm actually trying to avoid smiling and if I do smile, I do it with mouth closed. My teeth looks so freakingly big. I almost felt like I want to have them metals back... but I know I can't wear them forever. Eventually, I have to get rid of them and move on. My teeth have to move on. There's still so much my teeth need to experience... a proper oral prophylaxis, composite fillings, root canals, porcelain jackets, bleaching, other dental treatments...

I'll be posting pictures of my non-metallic grin so you can see for yourselves... Pictures taken on Patrick's birthday c/o his camera... nice noh? heheheh.

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