Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

I agree with what I read on another comment, it was visually stunning. What with all that special effects, I felt like I was in Rialto or on a roller coaster ride or something...

I was not able to watch the first few minutes of the film because I'm in a 'one-time screening only' theater (if that's what you call it) so I have no idea what and how much did I miss. I think I was not able to grasp the full story because of that, thus affecting my full appreciation of the film. But anyway, for the parts that I was able to watch, it's suffice to say that I was somehow satisfied. As expected, Jack Sparrow was very charming. Hands down to Johnny Depp for giving an exquisite performance. The rest, well.. they're ok I guess. I still can't seem to see Orlando Bloom as any other way but Legolas. You could say I watched 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy too many times.

The movie is a bit too long in my opinion... and then you'll find out in the end that it's not finished... and then I just found out I missed something after the credits. I also don't think that the story was well organized (I admit there I got sorta lost and confused). All the action was great, but storywise... it could still be better. Hopefully the next installment ('At World's End') would reclaim its past glory.

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