Sunday, November 19, 2006

Final Battle

The final battle between Pacquiao and Morales commenced today. Unlike the last fight, I wasn't able to watch it in the mall, so I had to make do with the delayed telecast on local TV. Man, was it disappointing to find out that the game ended in three measly rounds. All the minor fights definitely took longer than that! After all the hype! It ended with just three rounds! They didn't even bother to put up a little show. Good thing I wasn't one of those who bought "golden" tickets (because they're as expensive as gold) to watch the live feed in the cinemas. That would have been a total waste of money. If you asked me, I liked the second fight better than all the three. I don't seem to like Pacman as much either. Everything seems to be going in his head. He's starting to have too much air, in my humble opinion. So I wouldn't actually mind seeing him lose any day soon.

I pity Morales though, when I saw him being knocked down on the third round. Makes me want to hug him. Heheheh... Well, Morales was a good fighter, I must say. For the final battle, my hat is off for the losing end.

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