Monday, November 27, 2006

Starbucks Planner and Coke Light Journal

After just two weeks, I got my Starbucks Planner! I started on November 5th, and here I am, I got it on November 19th. Beat that! Hahaha.

Of course, I had a lot of help from my friends. I even had a coffee buddy who was willing to buy a cup with me everyday. So I filled the sticker coupon in no time at all.

Last year, I was able to fill out 2 and 3/4 sticker coupons. I gave the second planner to my sister (who by the way didn't use it at all so I won't be giving her the new one anymore). The third one I was planning to give to my cousin, but I wasn't able to fill it because I forgot to bring it one time. But I would've gotten three if I brought the coupon with me. Well, forgetful me.

Oh, I also bought one of their new Holiday tumblers. I bought the gold frosted one with christmas prints on it. Looks really kewl. I bought it, because I gave my old mosaic Starbucks tumbler away and because this particular Starbucks tumbler seem to be speaking to me right from the moment I saw it. I bought it the next day, just so I can say that it was not impulsive buying. (But deep inside, we all know I've acted on impulse once again...)

I think I've become a sucker for them freebies these past few days. Because aside from the Starbucks planner, I also got this Coke Light Journal for free from 7-11.

I heard about this from a friend who wated to get one, but was told that he would need to get a sticker coupon which is only available at Glorietta. He didn't even know where in Glorietta exactly. But lo and behold, I was able to locate the tiny booth by coincidence or maybe by fate! So I sneaked a couple of sticker coupons so I can give the other one to my friend. It was going to end in a matter of two days when I got the coupon, so the next day, I bought six cans of Coke Light and instantly got my journal right away! That's where I wrote this post down!

I don't know, I just like paper so much. I even carry lots of them to work everyday. You can say my bag weighs a ton, with my old and new Starbucks planner and this hard-bound thick Coke light journal. I don't know, I just feel safe with them in my bag. =P

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