Monday, November 27, 2006

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! What I Want For Christmas!

I'm starting my snow globe/water globe whatever-you-call-it collection a la "My Girl" koreanovela (yeah, I was sort of influenced by it). So far, all I got is three, so since Christmas is coming, you may want to contribute! Hehehe. The big one, I got it from my brother, who got it as a gift from a friend in Paris. The dolphin one on the right was given to my by a friend, while the lavander one with a white star, I bought at Divisoria.

Any snow globe will do, but what I really want is one that has a light or plays music. Preferably Precious Moments ones. I know, that would be more expensive... that's why I'm asking for it as a gift! So all you people out there who owe me a lot, you know what to get me. Hahaha! If you're out of the country, I would also love to get one of these from different countries, so all you jetsetters out there... please get me even just a tinny tiny one as pasalubong. Hahaha. Thanks! Luv yah! :>

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