Sunday, November 19, 2006

Girls and Gays Night Out

Of all the night outs i've been on, this has far been the most unusual one, but nevertheless, FUN. My friend turned a year older last night so we went out to celebrate...

After going to the wake of our common friend's dad, we left there at 1am to go on an educational tour to a different world. Malate. All 6 of us, 3 girls and 3 not-so-guys. But it was obviously their night. Us, three girls, stuck out like a sore thumb. Our three friends got friends all over the place while the three of us stuck together and sat quietly in the corner.

It was such an eye-opener, that their population is that great nowadays. It seems unbelievable how easily they can get someone to hook up with, while us girls are having a hard time trying to catch one decent guy. Surprisingly, most of the guys there don't even look like they're gay. There are not much cross-dressers, that if you don't have an eye for it, you won't even know he's gay. Luckily, they somehow trained our eyes how to differentiate a gay guy and a straight one. I just wish that the cute ones will turn straight someday soon! We're running out of cute guys!

All in all, I can say it was different, but being with gay people really makes you... well, gay! By that i meant, happy. I don't think there's a sad second when you're with them. We're not even that closely knit and it was the first time for all of us to go out together, but it seemed like we knew each other for ages. Definitely one of the nights to remember. Thanks Dan, Karl, Brent, Kers and Jeng! Sa uulitin! =P

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