Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm Toast! (Literally)

My friends and I went to Puerto Galera last weekend and I my only rant is that I got sunburns all over my back (and some on my front. Hehe). I think it's either due to excessive sun bathing or the sunblock I put on has expired. Hehehe. It's really red and it's so bad that it's painful to sleep lying down or to even put on a simple tee! But anyway, it was all worth it. I wasn't actually going but I changed my mind within the week. The four of us went on ahead last Friday while the rest (meaning 8 more) followed on Saturday then we all stayed until Sunday. I was about to extend my stay until Monday because my other friends were also there. However, the burns were so bad that I don't think it's wise to spend another day under the scorching heat of the sun.

I had a blast! Friday, since there's just four of us, it's not practical to snorkel or to rent a banana boat so after we got a place to stay, we spent most of the day relaxing by the beach (sunbathing day one). Saturday, after breakfast we started baking ourselves at around 9am until noon (sunbathing day two). As soon as the rest of the gang arrived, we rented a banana boat (where I got a nasty bruise) then had our skin painted (I got two for P150) then got a massage (it was my first time to get one and I wasn't that satisfied). I lost my white sundress somewhere along the way. Then, we had a few booze (mindoro sling) and then I hit the sack at around 1am. I bailed out on my friend (who was with another set of friends) just because I was too tired to do anything else. Sunday, we had breakfast then baked ourselves under the sun again from 11am til 1pm (sunbathing day three). We took a dip for a few minutes where the water was really clear and cool (and where we got stung by freaking jellyfishes). The others went snorkeling while we relaxed by the beach. I bought myself another bathing suit, some accessories and some other stuff. We left at 3pm and I got home at 730ish. It was really fun and I enjoyed every moment... except when I got this stupid sunburn! =P

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