Saturday, February 03, 2007

Surgical Pathology Consultation Report

Here are the results of the excision biopsy:

Gross and Microscopic Description:

Specimen consists of a piece of pink-tan, firm, multinodular tissue measuring 2.5 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm. Cut sections show a white, smooth surface. Surgical margins are inked. Representative sections taken (2, 1 cassette).


Sections show tissue with compactly arranged glands, some of which are cystically dilated and supported by a fibrous and proliferative stroma. In some areas, due to this proliferation, the glands are compressed assuming a slit-like appearance.

Histophatological Diagnosis:
Fibroadenoma and Fibrocystic change

IN LAYMAN'S TERM: nothing to worry about... hehehe.

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