Saturday, October 30, 2004

stitch up

I now have a two-inch long stitch on my... somewhere.. Yes, I'm finally finished with my operation. What the doctor and I thought to be a less than one centimeter thing, turned out to be one humongous mass. I believe it was even bigger than a five-peso coin, and that's no one centimeter! I was awake the whole time, and the doctor, the nurse and I are having a conversation like we were just having coffee. I never looked towards the right while he was doing the operation, coz I'm afraid I might just lose consciousness. I can feel the scissors and the blade cut through my skin, it feels a bit cold on the skin but no pain at all. If I did feel even the slightest sense of pain, the doctor will inject anaesthesia right away. It wasn't that long, less than an hour actually, but it was long enough for my mom to feel tension pain. But if you're the one lying there, you'll feel like it's taking forever for the doctor to finish.

After the operation, I went out of the room as if nothing happened. My mom told my dad to buy the prescribed medicine which I'll be taking for five days. My mom said my boyfriend called on my cellphone while I was inside and he asked for the directions how to get to the clinic. She gave the directions and he arrived just on time because my dad was in the drugstore, so I had enough time to tell him he can't be seen by my dad. Poor guy.

Right now, the stitches don't sting anymore although I can still see the thread sticking out of my skin. Ewww. At least, it's just in time for the halloween. I have to go back next week to have it removed (Halloween will be over by then).

Since the stitch is near my heart, it made me wonder, wouldn't it be nice if wounds caused by heartaches could be stitched up that fast?

Thursday, October 21, 2004

out of solitude

hah! no email queues! goodie! I would have more time to read my new book, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Originally, I wanted Love in the Time of Cholera, however, when my book finally arrived (six months after I had it reserved), I didn't have any money to pay for the said P700++ book. I believe this one's good as well (not to mention cheaper!).

A bit ironic though, since I just got out of my solitude. Yep. Finally got myself a boyfriend (again). Nothing really serious yet, we're giving each other enough time to adjust to couplehood. If I'm not mistaken, the last time I felt this way was more than a couple of years ago. So it's been a while. Over time, I have developed a sort of skepticism towards special relationships, it's just now that I've lowered my defenses. My instincts have also become better. I can easily tell if he's done something wrong. However, I have become a little more cynical than I was before. But that's just my defense mechanism. I'm just too tired of committing the same mistake over and over again. Falling in love and investing in a relationship only to get hurt and be deceived in the end. I'm sure nobody wants that to happen.

So far, he seems to be true. He's really sweet. His quote for the day yesterday was "Without you, I can still breathe... but with great difficulty". Actually, I just added a little poetic touch to it, his actual words were: "Pag anjan ka, nakakahinga ako ng maluwag... pero pagwala ka na, para akong may hika." Now, ain't that sweet?!

Friday, October 15, 2004


Got my first paycheck! Woohoo! Now, where to splurge them... hmmmm... In truth, it's not even enough to pay all my debts! It's not that the pay is low, it's just that my debts are high! This early, I'm already buried in debts! Well, I can pay them on my next paycheck, can't I? I will pay them back, but not today! hahaha!

Anyway, I got my schedule for the next three months, it's 7am-6pm from Thurs-Sun. My off-days are Mon-Wed. So in case anyone needs to set an appointment with me, you know when to schedule. Hehehe.

My dad is here! But I won't be able to go to mass with them since I've work on Sunday. And I have to miss going shopping at Duty Free because I have work today! Well, you win some, you lose some.

Lately, I've been getting anonymous comments, thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I just wish that you will let me know who you are so I can thank you personally. Heheheh. (Sounds like the emails I will be sending once I go live. Hahah.) But seriously, I'd like to know who you are so I could stop wondering. Don't you think it would be better if we know each other? I'd hate to think you're somebody trying to pull a prank on me. So, come out, come out, whereever you are...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

looking forward to having my dad around

My dad will be arriving on Friday! Basically, that's good news since that would mean we could (at long last) spend two months with him and actuallly feel what it's like to have a dad around. But then again, that would mean a complete lifestyle change for me. I won't be able to go to nightouts with my friends (which usually extends to the next day), I won't be allowed to have guy friends in the house, earlier curfew, weekends will be strictly family-time-only and I would have to stick to ultra conservative outfits (He calls everything sleeveless as sando). Am I so bad that these are the first things that I think of when my dad will be coming home after two years of being away? Well, actually, I think his presence will be enough for me to freely give up all of those things. Who knows, maybe it could make up for everything that I won't be allowed to do. I'm sure I would still be able to have a good time, sans the gimiks and nightouts. NOT! No, seriously, I think I won't even notice what I would be missing when he's here. I'll make sure I spend as much time as I can with him... you know, father and daughter bonding. Maybe the next time he comes back, he'll be walking me down the aisle... hahaha! who knows?!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

a little nest(ing)

Second day of nesting. We finished another set of emails today, and I have no idea whether I did the right thing or not. The problem, really, is that there could be a lot of ways you can answer a customer's email, but you would need to be in the same page with your QA for you to get a high score. You have to think the same way she's thinking. Same frequency and all. So I must learn to mindread my QA analyst. As if that's possible...

Sometimes, (actually, most of the time) we're lucky. Because there are times wherein there would be no emails queued on the server. So we have to wait... and wait... and wait some more. When it arrives, you still have to be sure that it's a technical problem before they allow you to answer it on your own, since we're not CS-trained yet, if not, do some more waiting. Or you can fly from one station to another, bug the vets, hound your crush (all of them), check your friendster, or pretend you're busy studying the tools... or blog!

Oh yeah, I'll be having a minor surgery, probably this week or next week. No matter how minor, I wanna be sedated.. coz I'm freakin' scared of sharp objects cutting through my flesh.. be it needle or what...

Friday, October 08, 2004


Got exempted on our finals in training today! Yey! Thus, the time to blog. On my way to work today, I just found it funny that when I got on a bus, I found almost every passenger asleep! I felt like I just walked into a bus to dreamland. Y'know, those "Are You Afraid of The Dark" Midnight Society stories wherein you suddenly find yourself somewhere strange. And then you walk slowly pass the seats and feel like you're on the wrong bus. And then you start to freak out, and then the bus driver will refuse to open the door, and then they will abduct you... and then you have to call someone to save you... See what watching TV could do to your mind! It makes you hallucinate! (Or is it just me?)

Song of the Day (although it has nothing to do with hallucination... then again, maybe it has):

only wanna be with you by Rozwell

i don't know what you do to me
i see eternity staring back at me
i made a vow to you that i'm gonna keep
watching over you everytime you sleep
when i think about what i'd do for you
it makes me think about all the things you do
you never once complained about the bad things
you swallowed all your pride
& held inside all of your pain

i only wanna be with you
(wanna be with you)
now i need you to need me too
no one will come between me & you
(never, ooh)
we will live our lives forever
we'd even cry together
(we'll cry)
forever, & ever, & ever

tell me all the things that will make you smile
you say that diamond rings are really not your style
i know you're breaking rules
when it comes to loving you
i know it's hard to choose the one you give your loving to
people ask you why & what you see in me
a smile is your reply
you say it's meant to be
that's what i love about you
you give me all of you
the only one in this whole world i'll give my love to

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

health is wealth?!

My work requires me to stay all day in front of the computer until I get blind. I enjoy it (but I don't know for how long), but right now, my right eye is twitching involuntarily and it annoys me. Whether it's due to lack of sleep or to my daylong staring contest with the computer, I don't know. I'm really a very sickly person. Judging from my physical exam results, I conclude that I am, indeed, "full of sickness". Check this out...

1. I am a little underweight. (107lbs.)
2. My hemoglobin count is a little low (READ:kinda anemic).
3. I have scoliosis (not that serious but it affects my posture).
4. I have a small cyst on each of my you-know-what. Whether it's benign or what, I am yet to find out.
5. I am a little claustrophobic and I hyperventilate when I'm in an overcrowded place.

If being afraid of needles (to the point of going pale) counts, well, that would be six in total. If health is wealth, then I might be one of the poorest people on earth! I just hope that that really IS all of it. And I hope none of them becomes really serious. I don't think I'm ready to die yet, but I guess I really have to prepare from now on. We'll never know!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

somewhere in the middle

Can you believe that The Body Shop is having a sale?! If that's not good news, I don't know what is! Finally, I got to buy the stuff I have been ogling on everytime I visit. I just wish the sale would last until I get my very first paycheck...

Training is almost over, one more week of exams and I'm off to the real thing. So far, my stay at PS has been one of the most interesting things that ever happened in my life. I can't believe that a lot of things could happen in a span of two weeks. It's like I was taken on a wild ride wherein everything happens in lightning speed and I just couldn't quite catch up. Really crazy, but cool. It's all so freakin' new to me, and I wasn't prepared at all. It's a whole new different culture. Shocking at times, but definitely interesting. I like it. Am I making any sense at all? Doesn't matter, I'm just as lost as you are.

Forgive the sucky post, I'm currently somewhere in the middle of something that I just couldn't quite explain. I'm all messed up right now, I couldn't think straight. I am completely lost. For the meantime, let the suspense kill you. (As if you care?! hahaha..)