Tuesday, August 10, 2004

'bout time...

I want to give my site a total make-over. The layout is starting to bore me to death, and also I want to add a few things to spice it up a little. But then, I just don't know where to begin. Anyway, my last post was a real feel-bad one I almost want to delete it. I'm really not that lonely, maybe just at night but during the day, I am happy. I got everything I need. But like anything else, there's always room for improvement, I know I could always be happier. However, my happiness is not on the top of my list yet. I have to improve myself and on how I live my life. Before I waste away the gift of singlehood that God has given me, I think I should learn how to build and strengthen my relationship with God. Because when that certain someone comes around, my attention and love will be divided. Even more when I start having a family of my own. I think this is the ME and GOD time. Right before, ME and GOD and SOMEONE time. I think right now, nobody else deserves my love and attention but Him. And it's about time I make it happen... and I know that will eventually lead me to real happiness. Now.. where did I place that "Purpose-Driven Life" book?

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