Sunday, August 01, 2004


Something is wrong with tag-board, and I hope it's nothing permanent, coz that would mean I have to find a new message board for my blog. I hope it's just a system upgrade or something of that sort. Anyway, just the usual Sunday for me today. Went to hear mass and then go to Glorietta, walk around sans moolah. I've spotted something I want to buy as soon as I have P85 on my hand. Instead of the overpriced Havaianas I originally wanted to buy, I am opting to buy the cheaper local one available at SM. I have that on top of my list, and I won't stop blabbering about it until I get it (so I won't forget to buy it). Actually I have cash earlier this morning, but I splurged it on my monthly dose of Cosmopolitan magazine since it's the first day of the month. My money wasn't even enough to buy that magazine, and I had to beg for P10 from my cousin. This month's Cosmo cover is Heart Evangelista. Ok, that's enough, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Hahahah.

Yesterday, I watched "Catwoman" at Greenbelt 3 with a friend. The movie was so-so, not bad but not the best. I don't think that meowing is for Halle Berry though. Yeah, the suit looks sexy on her and all, but meowing or purring like a cat doesn't quite match her personality. The plot was also kinda predictable. Some of her poses even reminded me of Spiderman, like that time when she was at the top of a tower or when she was climbing a wall. But what really irked me does not have anything to do with the movie. The topmost seats are not actually comfortable since it strains my neck. That's the second time that I had a stiff neck after watching a movie. The first one was just a week ago, at the same theater. Anyhoo, going back to the movie... while I was watching it, I realized how cat-like I really am. Aside from having a nick name fit for a cat (ning or mining, but please don't address me that way, it's strictly for blood relatives only), I like sleeping all curled up, with my wrist twisted inward (like a paw). When I was a child, I also liked walking on the edge of the sofa chair, the couch, the table, etc. which was the reason why I broke the headrest of one of the sofa chairs (I jumped on it, teehee). I also used to like climbing on things. Like that post outside our house, or even the walls along the small hallway in our house. I can't sleep without creating friction with my feet, I have to rub it somewhere, even on my skin. Just like a cat rubbing itself against something. Maybe I am catwoman... now the only thing lacking is that sexy suit... oh yeah, and a sexy body for that suit. Hahahah.

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