Monday, July 26, 2004


I braved the Monday morning rush to go to Diliman. Normally it would take me around 20 minutes to go to Buendia MRT, but as expected it took almost an hour. Anyway, so I rode an FX to get there. I gave the driver 20 bucks and I expect to be given a 10 bucks change. Minutes passed, still no change. Until I decided to break the silence and let the driver know I still have change. Unfortunately, my lips are faster than my brain and I ended up scrambling my words and saying "Ma, ho yung sukli ng bente". At least I didn't end up saying "Ho, Ma, yung bente ng sukli". Stupid! I could almost hear the Homer Simpson in me saying "D'oh!". But it doesn't stop there, when I finally get to Diliman. I saw a sign that made me even more stupid, "Office and Classes are suspended from 12 noon onwards due to SONA". Oh yeah, today's the SONA who can ever forget! So I had to get everything done my 12noon. At least, I got to watch the SONA at home. GMA painted a very good picture. I just hope it won't remain that way, a picture.

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