Friday, July 09, 2004

finally finally finally

at last, all those long hours in front of the pc, sleepless nights, restless days, pesos spent, time wasted, i have finally.. finally.. finally.. edited my template! it isn't much, but at least, it's something i can be proud of! coz i did it all by myself! bwahahahahah!

now i can rest, now i can sleep, now i can do more relevant things, now i can.. no, not yet, i still can't eat.. maybe i'll just blend everything i eat.. so i can just swallow them down. sigh. well, looking at the brighter side, i may eventually slim down a bit. i just hope i don't get ulcers again. coz now it won't be just my teethache, but my stomachache too!

this is the first step to real progress.. starting today, i'm trying to put my life back on track (a la starting over). i got my planner out and i started jotting down things that i NEED to do.. even worse.. NEED TO FINISH (read: PRIORITY). Too bad that finishing NFSU for the second time isn't included in my list.. what's first on my list? get to bed at 10pm.. Oops, i think i'll just cross that one out.. hahahah.. this seems harder than i thought! well, tomorrow.. i'm gonna make a new list.. of achievable things.. hahaha!

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