Saturday, July 10, 2004

Golf and Marriage

Last night, after celebrating Pat's birthday by watching "Mean Girls" and having dinner at Something Fishy at Eastwood with our friends (namely: NJ Carol, Ana and Jerc).. we all did something we haven't done for ages.. PLAY MINI-GOLF! It really wasn't part of the agenda, we just went to The Fort because we weren't in the mood to party all-night in Libis. It just so happened that we passed by that mini-golf thing, so we decided to go for it. After all, the last time I played mini-golf was way back when I did not even know what Par means. That was when being at Glico's was cool. I used to view golf as a boring sport, but last night, it was like the most enjoyable thing we ever did together. It just sucked because I only placed fourth and I wasn't able to do a hole-in-one. Even though golf does not seem to be a tiring sport, by the time we finished the 18th hole.. we were all pooped. So we spent the night at my place, but we didn't sleep at all, we just chatted till the sun showed up. And that was why I only got to sleep at around 6am this morning, woke up at 2pm, and had lunch at 4pm.

I still couldn't believe it.. my brother is engaged. Yesterday, he proposed to his girlfriend. It was sooo romantic. He had 50 dozens of roses all set up and I helped pick the songs to play and in scattering rose petals all over the girl's house. Seriously, how can you say no to that?! Sigh. At last, my lifelong dream of becoming part of a wedding entourage will finally come true!

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