Monday, July 12, 2004

Random Thoughts..

Random thought number 1: This is my second random thoughts post. For some technical reason, my first post didn't get posted.. It sucks.. coz I have to type everything all over again.

Random thought number 2: It's UAAP season once again! Big deal, our team never gets close to championship anyway. But I'm rooting for Ateneo Blue Eagles and I like Larry Fonacier, so sue me! Go Ateneo! Soar High! hahahah.

Random thought number 3: Jars of Clay is a GREAT band. I am currently downloading ALL of their songs in ALL of their album. Originally, I planned on buying all their albums legally, but since it's too costly. Maybe somebody out there who has them will be kind enough to let me borrow, or better yet, burn it for me. hahaha.

Random thought number 4: The root of bitterness is in the hypothalamus. If you want to get rid of it, try damaging your hypothalamus. Try being devoid of emotion. Or maybe you can just try having amnesia, no, make that selective amnesia (sometimes I wish I had one). Bottomline: You can't really solve it without doing damage to yourself. It's like a disease that cannot be prevented, but it's really not a big deal since everybody catches it anyway.

Well, those are all the thoughts that randomly came into my mind before I drifted to sleep last night. And now I no longer have anything to talk about. So there.

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