Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The Horrors Of Having Braces

I went to my dentist this morning with a smile on my face, completely oblivious of the pain that will befall my pearly whites later on. My upper and lower molar teeth are bound together by a rubber band. All 10 of them (four upper and six lower). It's like my lower molar is tied to my upper molar which makes it almost impossible for me to eat, let alone open my mouth. I have to speak only through gritted teeth. Because if I make the slightest effort to open my mouth. Not only does it make my teeth ache even more, but it also make my jaws hurt from stretching the freakin' rubber band. After I get through this, I might develop a muscular, uhm, jaw. How cute.

Well, let me tell you how painful it is. Imagine having 10 of your teeth pulled out.. all 10 of them at once.. without anaesthesia.. without any painkillers.. coz that is what they really are doing, pulling each other out. I tell you, it's excruciating! And I have to change these bands every two days, to make sure that the bands are elastic enough.. to make sure that they really hurt enough.. and my dentist supplied me with 24 freakin' torture bands (I use 4 of it at a time). Plus, I'm not supposed to remove them unless I'm going to change them. How the hell am I supposed to eat when I can only open my mouth 1cm wide? The only thing I can think of eating is french fries! Maybe I should get a dextrose.

Actually, I don't mind the pain, what I am really worried about is the thought of going out looking like I have noodles stuck between my teeth. As my mom subtly puts it, it's more like having strings of mozarella cheese on my teeth. Thanks mom! I think I'd rather detain myself at home for a while.. than go out and communicate through sign language.. Sheesh! So much for my social life! Lesson: If you're not wearing braces, be thankful you don't have to endure such pain. GAWD! IT'S SOOOO FREAKIN' PAINFUL, IT KILLS!

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