Sunday, July 04, 2004

Crazy Saturday Afternoon

Even heroes have the right to bleed.. as one song goes, and in Spider-Man 2, you will see how true that line is. The movie was so good that i could not wipe that silly smile off my face after watching it. It was way better than the first one. They say it was more of a romantic movie than an action one.Well, all the better! I think it's about time that they give super heroes a little bit of realism. I'm more interested in their love lives than what they can do with their super powers anyway! So now, I have two most favorite super heroes.. superman and spider-man! They have a lot in common (that is, aside from their underwear-outside costume).. they both work for the daily newspaper (daily planet and daily bugle), they both wear glasses, they both have a multi-millionaire friend that will turn out to be one of their nemesis, and they both have interesting love lives! Hmmm.. when will i ever get to meet my super hero... HERO? HERO ANGELES? hahahah.. why not?!

Anyway, i had a crazy day yesterday. I spent one saturday afternoon with three different sets of friends at different times. I did not plan on squeezing all of them in one afternoon, we just had a lil miscommunication. I thought my college friends and i will be watching the movie on a friday. So i made separate plans for saturday, my other friend already reserved tickets for Spider-man2 days before. To my horror, my college friends bought me a ticket too. So i ended up with two tickets for the movie, the bad news is, they are both showing simultaneously at 405pm. I cant cut myself in half so i just paid for the ticket, but went on and watch it with my other friend since my college friends and i will be seated in separate seats too anyway. Bad planning can really be stressful... not to mention expensive. So the day went on, and at around 10pm, i met with my high school friends. I got home at around 12am. I was totally exhausted.. but it was all worth it anyway. There's nothing like spending quality time with friends. I guess i wont be that tired if there were fewer people in the mall. It was really crazy, everywhere you go you will surely find a long line (and you will surely see yourself at the end of it)! If G4 had a weaker framework, it would have collapsed! It was like half of the population of metro manila was there! One thing i really hate.. crowded places (that's why i don't want to go to hell!) hahahah..

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