Saturday, August 21, 2004

mid-life crisis in da haus!

Having a parent who’s evidently experiencing midlife crisis can be such a real pain in the you-know-where. She either deliberately refuses to understand you or she’s just too old to really understand anything (think: age gap or memory gap). I am sooo angry right now that I’m actually crying and I only do that when I’m on extreme emotions. I sooo want to do something right now, like run away or something, except I don't have anywhere else to go. All I can do is write and let it serve as an outlet for this extreme emotion. GAWD! WHEN WILL MIDLIFE CRISIS BE FINALLY OVER?! I hope it ends real soon, coz I don't know how much of this I can really take. I might just actually snap my twig sooner or later. It's like I'm no longer allowed to have fun. Now, ain't that just plain unfair? Then why don't they just throw me out to nowhere?! She wasn't like this before. She was someone you'd really be proud to have as a mom. I don't know what went wrong all of a sudden. It was like she was possessed or something. Like somebody else took over her. It's like I don't even know who she is anymore, even though I have been spending everyday around her. She used to be really sweet and caring and everything. Now she's so high-strung and irritable and emotional, like the evil stepmom in fairy tales. She's even scolding me because of something I do not really have control of! I mean, why?! It's not like there's something I can do about it! Geez! Maybe she's schizophrenic and that's her alter-ego. Her bad alter-ego. This is really bad because everytime something like this happens, I always have the urge to do something to harm myself in other aspects other than the physical (although I've tried letting myself starve, but not to death). But you know what, I'm still quite fortunate that there's only one parent around here. When the reinforcement (meaning, my father) arrives in two months' time... that would really drive me mad and I'd have to change the title of my blog to: crossing over to insanity.. hmmm.. not bad...

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